Of problems that crop up and you wonder how you will ever solve them.. If you could ever solve them.. Then loneliness sets in..
A 3-day weekend is coming up but somehow it does not exactly excite you..
Then out of the blue, I decided to check my Twitter Account.. A random act.. Something I have not done in a while.. Then I see the tweet from Adam Lambert.. HE IS GOING TO BE AT THE EMAs!!!!
All of a sudden, the weekend is something to look forward to again.. Who can think of problems and loneliness, when you have to surf the net to look for as much information and clues as you can get of what role Adam Lambert is going to play at the EMAs..
Then realize you are in Malaysia and not Belfast, so have to check to find out if your cable channel, MTV Asia will be airing the show.. YES.. 4.00am.. Who cares about the time.. I can stay up till 4am..
Then the day dawned.. 4am.. The EMAs..
Bruno Mars sang.. Lady Gaga.. I waited patiently.. Waited and waited.. Then my heart started beating fast.. Global Icon award.. But then felt let down.. Katy Perry appeared.. She looked cute, I thought.. Endearing speech.. Cute outfit she was wearing I thought.. If I wore this to work the next day, my colleagues will drop dead, I thought.. BUT NO ADAM..
Back to my story books while the EMAs play in the background.. Well the story in my novel was more engrossing than some of the performance.. No offense meant.. Perhaps their fans would enjoy it.. But I did not.. So I continued reading my book with the EMAs at a very low volume.. Trying to eliminate performance after performance.. Waiting for each one to be over.. Cursing at all the advertisements..
Then it was 6.30am.. The show is finally ending.. Brian May.. Wow.. He looks good...
Then Adam Lambert sings.. We Glamberts don't need any other introduction.. That's a voice we know by heart..
I was captivated.. My favorite songs.. My favorite singer.. What else can a girl ask for.. My weekend was made.. Mind blowing and epic are some of the words the press have used to describe Queen and Adam's performance.. For me, it will be a performance that will live on in my memory for a very long time..
Congrats to Adam...